
Every day, whether you realize it or not, you’re having thousands of thoughts that you're speaking to yourself through.

By nature, you’re wired to protect yourself from harm, so that means your thoughts are automatically rooted in negative thought patterns. It's up to you to be aware of those negative thought patterns so you reprogram them into patterns that serve you.

One way you can effectively reprogram your thoughts, and align them to positive behaviors that serve you, is to mind what you say, specifically what you’re saying to yourself. Whatever you say will be what you believe, especially what you repeat.

If you want to ensure you're operating from a mindset of positivity and success, then take charge of both, what you say to yourself, and out loud.

When you take charge of your talk, you take charge of your life.

Choose a word or phrase that matches the results you're looking for, repeat it over and over, and and you will more quickly arrive at results you crave. You'll wire a thought pattern, and mold a mindset that serves you. It’s not fufu stuff.

It works! 

What you repeat, you believe. What you believe, is what you act upon. What you act upon creates your results.


You can also work backwards, by taking a look at your results, noting your thought patterns and your self talk that might’ve led to those results, you can decide if you need to make shifts.

If your self talk is sabotaging your results, then you can take action and replace negative statements with positive statements.

The trick is to match statements that will effectively replace the negative ones.

It's not about "just thinking positive."

I bet you have some pretty awesome results in mind for your life,

make sure your self-talk matches!


I’ve put together a list of phrases that empower a CALM, more CONFIDENT, more PRODUCTIVE, more CLEAR, more CREATIVE, and more POSITIVE MINDSET.

These affirmations have been proven to work for a wide range of needs.

They are backed by brain science and positive psychology.

They match up to the most common thoughts that keep people blocked.

Try them and see!

They're FREE!

Mind your self-talk &

take charge of your life!



It's time to SHINE!